You're About To Learn Things Most People Will Never Truly "Get" About Having A Happy Healthy Relationship that Works, In These Four Short Micro-Courses

It’s unfortunate. But most people who want a happy, healthy relationship that works  — and love that truly lasts — will probably never understand most of what you’re about to learn. No one teaches us these things. And our love lives suffer as a result.

Simply use the red button below and you’ll not only learn them… you can literally start using them to transform your love life TODAY.

Because I’ve designed these four short micro-courses to be quick and easy to digest, so you can start reaping the rewards immediately.

And even though they’d normally cost you $21 each — you’re about to get them for FREE today with your new Dream Relationship Toolkit.

Four PDF Guides

Four Video Trainings

Four Audio Recordings

3 Crucial Keys To A Happy Relationship

Normally $21 — FREE  today with your Dream Relationship Toolkit.
In This Micro-Course You’ll Learn:
  • What most people (although they mean well) get wrong about “honesty”
  • An unlikely (but real) source of relationship strength and empowerment most failing couples unknowingly avoid, that could save their relationships
  • Many relationships lack trust because of this one missing piece. It’s absence can turn even the best of relationships into a swamp of lies. (And it’s not “honesty”. In fact, true honesty simply cannot exist if this is missing)
  • What to do to make your partner stop lying to you
  • 2 non-negotiable “ingredients” of a happy relationship. Leave them out and you spoil the taste – because it is almost impossible for a relationship to succeed without them. Even if you have the best of intentions.
  • “IFYD” syndrome: a silent killer that secretly strangles many relationships to death
  • An easy self-correction you can make to give your relationship a far better chance of working out
  • How to make “working on your relationship” or love life actually WORK
  • Rewire this internal “error” to become a better partner and have a better relationship as a result
  • The lifeblood of a happy, healthy romantic relationship that works. (How to cultivate it)
  • What never to do when your partner does something (bad) you don’t like
  • Another key, yet overlooked aspect of creating a better, stronger relationship that makes you and your partner far happier together
  • The supposedly “simple” part of having a happy, healthy relationship that trips most couples up.
  • 12 quick ways to strengthen the bond, closeness and connection between you and your partner. While also avoiding uneccesary misunderstandings, hurt, anger, resentment and confusion
  • And much more

3 Common Mistakes That Kill Relationships

And How you Can Easily Avoid Them

In This $21 Micro-Course — FREE today with your Dream Relationship Toolkit — You’ll Discover:
  • The 3-word-mistake that kills relationships
  • An important cornerstone of every successful relationship that often goes ignored
  • What politics has to do with failed relationships
  • Some clear signs that the person you are in a relationship with is selfish. Perhaps TOO selfish for your relationship to really thrive.
  • Not doing this one thing can set you up for a lifetime of unhealthy relationships, manipulation, and abuse. Learn all about it here.
  • Perhaps the simplest way in the world to strengthen your relationship. So simple that most people overlook it.
  • If you want to have a happy relationship, please do not ignore this all-too-common ‘blind spot’
  • Cultivating a sense of personal happiness makes your relationship so much happier in turn. Here’s one easy way to start doing it today
  • Let me be frank: There are some mistakes you can afford to make in your relationship and still come out unscathed. The one I explain here is not one of them.
  • How to make sure the excitement and enthusiasm NEVER leaves your relationship, like it does with so many others. Possibly the very best advice you’ll ever get on this
  • A critical component in maintaining a happy relationship. Most people get this horribly wrong
  • And plenty more

How To Deal With And Minimize conflict In Your Relationship

An Introductory Guide

In This Micro-Course You’ll Learn:
  • Tools for dealing with conflict the right way, so it doesn’t destroy your relationship
  • Why are most people so lousy at dealing with fights and arguments in their relationship? Let’s clear this up.
  • Why fights and arguments are GREAT for relationships… if you know how to deal with them the right way. I’ll explain what that is inside.
  • 2 different types of conflict you should be well-prepared for in your relationship. Learn how to handle them the right way.
  • The cumulative effect can cause nasty bouts of conflict in relationships that can be impossible to see coming. Here’s what causes it.
  • Just had an argument with your partner? Congrats! Here’s why (if you understand what I explain here) it could potentially be the best, most transformative thing that’s ever happened to your relationship. The start of something beautiful.
  • How to understand your partner better
  • How to get rid of all the fear and anxiety that usually comes with conflict, fights and arguments.
  • Are you and your partner arguing a lot? Is there something wrong with your relationship? Guidance here.
  • Like with your physical health, the best time to protect your relationship from damage is before it gets done. That’s why I’ll show you how to uncover and fix hidden relationship issues before they really reveal themselves, become noticeable to the “naked eye”, and  damage your relationship in a way that’s hard to fix.
  • And a lot more

Attracting Your Dream Relationship:

How To Get Relationship-Ready For Singles

In “Attracting Your Dream Relationship: How To Get Relationship-Ready For Singles” You’ll Learn:
  • Some much-needed advice for anyone who hates – and is tired of – being single. And missing out on the beauty and joy of a real, committed relationship with your ideal partner.
  • Why you should never feel ashamed for desperately wanting (and actively searching for) the relationship of your dreams. Even if you think it makes you look a certain way.
  • How to free yourself and your love life from the shackles of your past.
  • A harmful (yet extremely popular) line of thinking that stands in the way of you and your ideal long term relationship.
  • Why you don’t have to be perfect to be loved
  • How having self-awareness, in the way I explain in this guide, can propel you towards the type of relationship you long for.
  • “Right person, wrong time.” Have you ever heard of, or experienced, this? What most don’t know is there’s a psychological “activity” switch you can flick (now, while you’re still single) to mentally prepare yourself for your dream relationship. One that makes it much easier to actually keep it once you (finally, and potentially suddenly) have it.
  • How to prepare yourself to have the best relationship you can possibly have.
  • Compulsory ‘self-work’ you must do (before getting into a relationship) to be the kind of partner that special someone wants to be with and never wants to leave.
  • A real roadmap to true happiness – the kind that actually lasts. Learn why this plays such an important role in your love life.
  • And much more

"Anybody Who Is Blessed Enough To Work With Or Learn From Harry Should Take The Opportunity And Never Let Go"

“Ever since I’ve worked with Harry, he has provided me with nothing but inspiration, positivity & hope. He has provided me with so much insight into the wider world, my direct surroundings and most importantly, my inner self. Since meeting Harry, I’ve become much more at peace with my own identity. He has helped to provide me with the confidence to loosen the shackles of my mind and slip between the bars of limitation. Harry has transformed my love life and has even helped me to launch my own business and consequently to launch the rest of my life. Anybody who is blessed enough to work with or learn from Harry should take the opportunity with both hands and never let go. Harry sees good in everybody and will always pull the best out of them. No matter how high or low you may feel Harry will help to guide you towards a better tomorrow.

– J. O’Neill (Private client)

"I Will Be Forever Grateful To Harry"

“Such an honour. With Harry’s help I have learned so much about myself in relationships and learned to heal and grow from my past. Harry offers a safe space to share and discuss issues, trauma, etc with no judgement just love. I will be forever grateful to him.”

– K. Maher (Private client)